Here's one of my fave images from the session:

After their session was complete, Kristy & I got busy and got EVERYTHING pulled away from the outer walls of the building so they could drill the holes to treat under the slab as well as around the outside of the building. more bugs...
We decided since we had everything pulled out that we were gonna do our "Spring Cleaning". We also are in the process of moving ALJE from the office we rent to the building we own and since Kristy's desk wasn't in the best of shape (it's only particle wood and been moved/built/taken apart 12 times including when it moved from my house to the studio...and I've had it since 1996 so it was a pretty good desk) we brought the computer desk/file drawers to Sweeny to replace hers...We also brought one of the bigger file drawers as our customer drawer was getting kind of full (a very very good thing). It's looking soo nice. I can't wait to finish putting up everything and get the studio back in order. Once we finish, I'll take pics and post them here for y'all to see the studio. Let me just say, if you haven't been in the studio since....before's totally changed.
Have a great wkend!!!!
V7 Photos
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