Well the reception area is DONE (except for a couple of pics I'm waiting to get in for the wall). The studio is set up. (except for cleaning the tools off the counter.
Speaking of...my Daddy helped Jerry "fit" the new counter top into place and hang the upper cabinets.

I've been soo lucky with having my entire family support my decision to open the studio.
Here's the mostly finished counter:

So...I've discovered a problem with my flooring....it seeps "chocolate milk". No..I'm not crazy...lol...here's a pic to prove it:

see....I'm not nuts...it looks like choc. milk and Smells like spoilt choc. milk...it's actually the glue from where they didn't install the flooring right...sooo it looks like new flooring will be here sooner than I thought...joy joy. We've rolled the floors (a special thanks to my father-in-law & his boss for letting us use the roller from his work) and got most of the problem taken care of but it seems that if I mop the floors...the water makes it seep more.
You know....having a hubby that is an electrician....and asking his thoughts on what I could do for a curtain rod to hang across the room (22.5' wide) and not being able to really "hang" something from the ceiling because it's a suspended ceiling....he suggested hanging emt (metal tubing for electical wires to be run through) from the wall and supporting it with wires around the ceiling beams...I liked the emt idea but not the wire....so I came up with an idea and made an "EMT Curtain rod" system (with his help of course...like I'm gonna cut the stuff..lol)...so when you come in the shop...be sure to check out me unique (to say the least) curtain rods.
Here's a pretty pic for y'all to see....this was they sky when we left the studio on June 17.

Can you tell I like taking pics of the sky & clouds? Well...here's another sky pic...this was in Freeport when I was leaving the office on June 19.

ok...back to the updates...in my last post....I mentioned my AWSOME signs...here's a few pics of them if you haven't driven by to check them out...
This is a close up of the door:

This is what I drove up to on June 23...sooo pretty:

Close up of windows (LOVE the butterflys):

They hung the main sign June 27....I LOVE it:

Oh...Mom & I had a visitor the day the phone company/light company were here working on their stuff....

This little birdy decided to fly in the back door....smack into the front window and knock itself silly....I went out the backdoor so I could open the front door so that it could get outside but Mom ended up having to scoop it out the door with a folder because it wouldn't go. It sat on the window sill for a while before finally hopping off down the sidewalk.

Oh....here's another cool cloud pic for y'all to see...The first person that e-mails me with the correct location of where this photo was taken (building, town, etc) will get a Free 5x7 with their next session. I think the clouds look pretty cool...just kinda stuck in the sky (yeah I know that's where they are...but they kinda "pop" out like you can just reach up and grab one).

Ok...I'm gonna close this post now. Hope to see y'all soon...and I'll post the winner if anyone can guess the correct answer.
By the way....to get exclusive coupons & specials...be sure to sign up for my mailing list by sending your name, phone, address, email to v7photos@aol.com.